Nice to Meet You

I am Gabrielle Susanne Johnson. I decided to make this website in case folks wanted more context as to who I am because I come from a lot of different places and, well, I intend to be more active online following some recent events in which it feels like we should all use the other voices we have available to us. I am Mexican on my Coloradan’s family side and have descendants who were on the Mayflower on my New Yorker' family’s side. I have been poor, I remain privileged, I have lived on a train, settled into apartments, and now live in a house. In my so-called free time, I like to pretend I live in medieval times. I have lived in Nebraska, Honduras, Arizona, North Carolina, New Mexico, and The March, to name a few. If you are here, you are at least somewhat interested to learn more, which is pretty cool. If you are not interested in learning more, no sweat off of my back, just go ahead and hit that <— button.

I just want to start an online journal again, think Xanga (bring back Xanga!).

So, there you go.

I will post journal entries from time to time, here and there, about who knows.

If that interests you, you can go ahead and sign up to find out when they are posted I suppose.